360 Apps
Our App websites can help run your organisation more efficienty via secure online websites for internal access only.
The different modules/App websites all communicate with each other and moving between them is seamless.
The interfaces are consistent for ease of use and efficiency plus it helps speed up training.
The latest technology is used with architecture that allows future advances to be taken advantage of.
Cost will depend on configuration of Apps required but typically a solution has a wide range of setup costs of £10,000 to £30,000 and annual costs of £1,000 to £20,000 per month.
There can also be one off costs depending on your need, such as Data Migration or Integration into Existing system, this is charged for at £75 per hour.
For building and maintaining client facing Websites we have several apps/modules that provide that service.
Please contact us if you are interested in further understanding in how we can help improve your organisation.
List of Apps available
These Apps get combined into parent Apps, so we would never expect more than 12 accessible Apps in a final Solution approriate for your Organisation.
e.g. Team 360 would normally contain Diary 360, Project 360, Scheduler 360, Support Desk 360, Tasks 360, Training 360 and WFH 360 (Work form Home).
The split into different websites is only to aid efficient workings and all required Apps/functionaility can be combined into one single website if required.
The best solution is usually to have both a Single website with all functionality and Seperate Apps for different department access, which aids work flow.